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How To Use This Web Site

You can save lives with Waiora products. Please explore the site to learn how.

To the left are yellow folders that contain audio clips. The audio takes a while to begin but all the clips in the folder will play once started.

The PDF file “How to Earn Money, Testimonials, Product Info, Patent” has detailed information on twenty-seven physical conditions that have been helped with Natural Cellular Defense. Read over thirty doctor and patient testimonials about how this product has saved lives.

Contact information is in the PDF file and so are links to important videos about health.

For Your Doctor; The Cancer Drug Patent is near the end of the file. There are images in it too. If you have cancer and want your doctor to review this patent, copy it and print the PDF file.

The video below is about Waiora and the business with income testimonials. There are brief explanations about the products with a couple of product testimonials. The PDF file has the details.

I don't sell these products anymore. Natural Cellular Defense (NCD) will save lives. Everybody needs to use this product at least for a while to remove the heavy metals in their body.

A diet change to an all plant based diet without any added oils (whether in cooking or salad dressings) will do more to save our health and the planetary ecosystems than taking vitamins. For most of my life I believed taking high quality vitamins was equivalent to eating a great diet full of vegetables. I was wrong. Eating a whole food plant based diet without animal products changed my already healthy body to an even healthier one. All of those years of taking super supplements didn't give me the same results.

There are different testimonials in the archives of the site. Open other pages via the “Blog Archive” in the left column below the Detailed Information Window.

Thank you for visiting.
Mr. Michael J. Beninate

This Video Gives Details About Our Products And The Company

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Breast Cancer Testimonial

Here is a testimonial which shows how a woman had her tumors shrink while using our product. Details and contact information are in the PDF file to the left.

I was diagnosed with breast cancer over 5 years ago and I chose to NOT have surgery, chemo or radiation at that time even though the surgeon felt that if I did not do as she said that in 3 months it would be too late.

Well the original tumor on the right side became very hard, but stopped growing after 18 months. A year later it spread to the left breast, even with all the great stuff I was taking, doing and eating, (over the last 6 years I've mostly been a vegetarian/vegan/raw food person). I was slowly getting worse and worse. Also I am one of those people without health insurance, so I put what money I had into food and supplements.

In January of this year I finally had to give in and do some chemo as a last resort because it had spread to my liver, ovaries and bones, even though I was so against it. I was able to get some low dose chemo treatments and after 8 months it did stop the progression a bit, but my red and white blood cell counts were so low I had no energy or desire to continue.

August 15th was my last chemo treatment and the CT Scan and Bone Scan on August 31st showed little improvement and the tumor marker blood test was still high. I needed a break.

In September my friend, Mary Hoyer, found liquid activated zeolite and I started on it the last week in September. I had a blood test the end of October my red and white cell counts were back to normal and the tumor marker was down to 24 from a high of 147. Normal is between 0 - 38 on that test.

Yesterday I had a visit with my doctor and the old original tumor on the right breast is almost all gone. The left side may take more time to totally heal, but my energy is back and every day in every way I feel better and better.

Yours enthusiastically;

Sonja Stockstill