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How To Use This Web Site

You can save lives with Waiora products. Please explore the site to learn how.

To the left are yellow folders that contain audio clips. The audio takes a while to begin but all the clips in the folder will play once started.

The PDF file “How to Earn Money, Testimonials, Product Info, Patent” has detailed information on twenty-seven physical conditions that have been helped with Natural Cellular Defense. Read over thirty doctor and patient testimonials about how this product has saved lives.

Contact information is in the PDF file and so are links to important videos about health.

For Your Doctor; The Cancer Drug Patent is near the end of the file. There are images in it too. If you have cancer and want your doctor to review this patent, copy it and print the PDF file.

The video below is about Waiora and the business with income testimonials. There are brief explanations about the products with a couple of product testimonials. The PDF file has the details.

I don't sell these products anymore. Natural Cellular Defense (NCD) will save lives. Everybody needs to use this product at least for a while to remove the heavy metals in their body.

A diet change to an all plant based diet without any added oils (whether in cooking or salad dressings) will do more to save our health and the planetary ecosystems than taking vitamins. For most of my life I believed taking high quality vitamins was equivalent to eating a great diet full of vegetables. I was wrong. Eating a whole food plant based diet without animal products changed my already healthy body to an even healthier one. All of those years of taking super supplements didn't give me the same results.

There are different testimonials in the archives of the site. Open other pages via the “Blog Archive” in the left column below the Detailed Information Window.

Thank you for visiting.
Mr. Michael J. Beninate

This Video Gives Details About Our Products And The Company

Monday, October 13, 2008

Vitamin D For Children And Adults

On October 13, 2008 it was announced that children should get twice the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of vitamin D. That brings the amount up to 400 International Units (IU). 

The Waiora liquid multi-vitamin Essential Daily Nutrients (EDN) contains 400 IU of vitamin D. It is a very easy to use product because it tastes great to everyone. Since it is a liquid that has a tangy fruity taste it is easy for children to use and for anyone who can't easily swallow pills. It is probably the best children's vitamin product made. 

Essential Daily Nutrients is the world's most powerful liquid nutritional supplement ever created. Here's why... It provides a perfect blend of more than 150 life-essential, cutting-edge nutrients including vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, exotic whole-food fruits, rare herbs, enzymes, trace minerals, amino acids and essential fatty acids - all in an easy-to-consume one-ounce serving. Essential Daily Nutrients provides the high-potency nutrition your body needs to thrive, stay healthy, generate boundless energy and build a strong immune system.

Here is what is in Essential Daily Nutrients:

High-Potency Vitamin-Mineral Complex that provides 100% of the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of many critical vitamins and minerals including naturally derived vitamins A,B,C,D, and E. EDN provides 22 vitamins and minerals.

Full Spectrum of 60 Trace Minerals naturally found in Pacific sea salt vital to the health of every cell in the body.

Natural Energy from green tea, Korean red ginseng and vitamin B complex which helps increase alertness and concentration, supports memory and promotes stamina and endurance.

Age-defying Antioxidants found in nutrient-dense whole foods, vitamins and herbs to fight free radicals that continuously bombard your healthy cells both inside and outside of your body.

Exotic Phytonutrient-Rich Super-fruits from around the world including pure acai and goji — nature's ultimate berries. Phytonutrients are essential for optimal health and longevity and should be in everyone's diet

Herbal Infusion of rare and potent herbs including green tea, Korean red ginseng, grape seed extract and Maitake mushroom used by ancient civilizations to balance the body.

Purple Power from rich, deep-colored fruits loaded with polyphenols such as anthocyanins and bioflavonoids. In addition to acai and goji, EDN includes cranberry, cherry and passion fruit.

A great benefit of taking liquid multi-vitamins is that the nutrients are absorbed quickly and completely compared to pills or capsules that must break down before they can be absorbed. 

Essential Daily Nutrients is made of food. It is not made from chemical combinations compressed into a pill. Your body naturally absorbs nutrients from food which makes EDN the exact thing your body needs. 

You couldn't combine all of the nutrients that are in EDN unless you were willing to spend plenty of time and effort to collect the ingredients, clean them, extract them, and then combine them in perfect proportions to get the nutrients your body needs. 

Even juicing the same ingredients would cost a small fortune. It is too expensive for one person to do. One one ounce serving of EDN is very convenient to take. It is much faster than spending the time to just pull out and set up a juice machine.

Open your refrigerator, pull out the bottle, measure your one ounce, drink it, close the bottle and replace it in the refrigerator, and rinse the measuring cup. That is all the time it takes to give your body the best all natural liquid vitamins in the world.

Try Essential Daily Nutrients. All of our products have a satisfaction guarantee. If you aren't completely satisfied with any product, send it back within thirty days of purchase for a refund. It's that simple.

Listen to the streaming audio in the Detailed Information Window on the left. Scroll down to the file "The Superior Liquid Vitamin Technology Explained...". That audio file will give you plenty of details about the Essential Daily Nutrients formulation and why it is superior to all other multi-vitamins.

Contact me to place an order or to ask any questions. 

Thank you for visiting my blog.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Stand Up To Cancer

There is a special television event on September 5, 2008 dedicated to cancer research. It is all about getting enough resources to find a cure. It is really too bad and actually a little sad that all of the previous proven cancer cures are totally squashed by the USA Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the American Medical Association (AMA). 

If you or anyone you know has a cancer that is an epithelial cell type of cancer (85% are) then you need to read the testimonials on this blog and download the PDF file on the left to read many more testimonials from cancer patients, doctors, and people with other conditions that were helped by our Natural Cellular Defense product (abbreviated NCD). 

NCD doesn't cure people. It removes toxins that cause diseases. If you remove the toxins that cause cancer from your body then those toxins can't cause cancer in you. 

NCD was originally patented as an epithelial cell cancer drug. You can read it in the PDF file.  It is sold as a nutritional supplement. It is available to everyone. No more research is needed. NCD is here today. It is ready NOW!

Good luck.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Best Insurance Policy

Did you know that there are insurance policies that specifically relate to cancer? People can buy policies that insure them against the expenses of getting cancer.

The Best Insurance Policy against cancer is to prevent your body from getting it in the first place. Our Natural Cellular Defense (NCD) nutritional supplement removes heavy metal toxins that the USA Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) say cause cancer.

If the elements that cause cancer are removed from your body then they can never cause cancer in you.

Toxicologists will tell you with certainty that 95% of diseases in humans are caused by environmental reasons, NOT by genetic reasons. This is proven regularly when one twin will get a disease and the other won't get the same disease.

Our NCD binds with heavy metal toxins and removes them from the body more effectively than anything ever before. With a body free of heavy metals you can be assured of greater health.

Toxins cause many different parts of the body to malfunction. There is a very long list of symptoms and diseases that have been alleviated in people just by removing the toxins in their bodies through the use of NCD. Download the PDF file in the detailed information window to the left to see them all. I get many other testimonials regularly dealing with even more conditions not listed.

NCD is a product that balances the pH of the body. Many doctors state that when the body has a normal pH level cancers and many other disease conditions cannot occur. When pH is too low (acidic) many normal cell functions begin to stop.

One study showed that all cancer patients had very low pH levels in their blood. Did the cancer cause the pH level to drop or did the low pH levels cause the body to malfunction and allow cancer cells to take over?

If you want to prevent diseases in your body you should remove the causes of the diseases. Those causes are toxins. Everybody has them. Even newborn babies have over 200 toxins in their blood streams at birth. This is double the amount found in a previous study done by Mount Sinai hospital researchers in 1970. Those toxins came from their mothers blood.

If you've been on this planet a few years you can be assured that you are full of toxins. Remove them from your body with Natural Cellular Defense. Keep your body healthy.

Using NCD is the best insurance policy you and your family can have. It protects your body now instead of giving you money in the future to pay for medical care.

Insure yourself and your family.

Get Natural Cellular Defense here.

Friday, May 2, 2008

A1 Doctors Speak Out Audio Added To The Site

I added an audio file to the Detailed Information Window with several doctors talking about why they use our product and prescribe it to ALL of their patients. They don't just want their cancer patients to use it. They want everybody to use it because it removes the toxins that are carcinogenic.

If the toxins that cause cancer are removed from your body, those toxins can't cause cancer in you.

Though this product was originally patented as an epithelial cell cancer drug, everyone can use it to remove toxins and virus particles from their systems. It has no drug interactions and is not stored in the body. It is sold as a nutritional supplement that has been labeled Generally Regarded As Safe (GRAS) by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The doctors in the audio file repeat what is known by toxicologists, and that is that 95% of today's illnesses are caused by environmental pollutants. Genetic diseases only contribute to a very small percentage of illnesses.

That means that if you keep your body free of toxins and get good nutrition it is very unlikely that you will suffer from any diseases.

Read the many testimonials from doctors and others about how well our premier product works at removing toxins and helps people to be healthier. They are within the larger PDF file on the left.

I recommend that you read the PDF files before ordering our products so that you get the full details about them. If you can't wait, go to

Listen to all of the audio files in addition to "A1 Doctors Speak Out". Each of them is informative on different aspects of improving and maintaining health.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Your Dentist Is Murdering You.

Your dentist is murdering you and your family if you allow him to put amalgam fillings into your mouths.

For years the American Dental Association has claimed that the mercury in fillings cannot escape into your mouth or blood. They are lying and have been contributing to the diseases and deaths of millions of people through their lies.

Mercury is poisoning people through their dental fillings.

Watch these two videos. One clearly shows mercury coming out of dental fillings. The other shows how mercury destroys nerve endings. Pay attention to the statement that the nerve damage seen in the video resembles the nerve damage seen in Alzheimer's patients brains.

Mercury out gassing video:

How Mercury destroys nerve cells video:

Mercury is toxic and has been proven to cause nerve damage and cancer.

There is a way to remove mercury and other toxins from your body. Our premier product binds to mercury and other heavy metals. It removes them from your system so that they cannot do any more damage to you. Read about it in the PDF file in the detailed information window. It gives details of how it works along with the patent for the product. Contact information is within the file too.

The FDA says mercury and other heavy metals cause cancer. If you remove them then they can never cause cancer in you. Our product removes heavy metals and other toxins from the body better and easier than any other process in existence. You and your family should use it because it works.

If you decide to have your amalgam fillings removed you need to go to a dentist who specializes in removing mercury fillings. Special care needs to be taken because their removal will cause a large amount of mercury to be released into your mouth. Special tools are needed to do this. If your regular dentist removes them you will likely get a huge dose of mercury. Please be careful when having this procedure done. Don't poison yourself.

Friday, April 25, 2008

New Super Anti-Oxidant Audio File

I just uploaded an audio file about the most potent anti-oxidant available anywhere. It is entitled "Agari-Gold Miracle". Lesser versions of this product are used as anti-cancer treatments in Japan because they help the body to produce natural interleukins, interferon, and natural killer (NK) cells. Agari-Gold is a super hybrid that has even more of the anti-oxidant properties than the products used in Japanese hospitals.

Listen to the audio because it is full of details about how the properties of this product with Agaricus Blazei H1X1 and Sasa Bamboo boost the human immune system to promote healing.

With a strong immune system your body will fight off diseases. This product will help you to remain healthy. The people in the village where this Agaricus Blazei mushroom was discovered lived very long lives without illnesses.

This product is more potent than any other type of medicinal mushroom in the world. You only need to take five to seven drops of this liquid solution per day to receive the benefits of this super mushroom.

You can use this product without the nasty taste of other medicinal mushroom products and without the mess and smell from the preparation process.

You can see the product here; There are PDF files at the bottom of the product page with scientific studies showing the effect Agaricus Blazei has on cancers.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Fibromyalgia Pain Gone

This is a testimonial of how toxins in the body are the cause of fibromyalgia. When toxins are removed by our premier product (you can read about it in the PDF file) the body heals itself.

"I have been suffering from what has now been diagnosed as fibromyalgia. My symptoms are joint pain in various places, fatigue, exhaustion, and depression. I have tried everything to get better: massages, herbs, acupressure, acupuncture, glucosamine. Nothing worked for me. I finally tried liquid zeolite. I started taking it a little bit each day – 15 drops, 3x a day. That was about 2½ weeks ago. After the first week I started to feel OK, but had a bit of a red, flush feeling. Within one week, I started to feel great. Then I ran out of the liquid zeolite, and noticed immediately that my symptoms returned. I called my… Rep frantically on 11/7 to overnight me more liquid zeolite. She got it to me within 2 days, and I was thrilled. It's about 8 days later, and I no longer have any joint pain, and can't remember the last time I felt this good."

Michelle Stange, age 33 Los Angeles, California

You can view the liquid zeolite product at this site:

Listen to the "Invisible Killer" audio on the left because it talks about our toxic environment and how we can protect ourselves. Click the folder to open it and select preview from the drop down arrow on the first icon. It will begin to play in a few seconds.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Essential Daily Nutrients We All Need

Essential Daily Nutrients Ingredients

An important part of keeping healthy and not catching diseases is to keep your body energized by taking in quality nutrients. Juicing is a really good way to get nutrients from nature. It really makes bodies feel great when they get all of the nutrients they need. The nutrients in liquid form are absorbed and utilized much more than nutrients in pills.

A problem with juicing is that it is very expensive to gather enough of the different types of plants to create a good nutrient selection. Surely taking in quality plant nutrients in liquid form is the optimum way to get essential nutrients.

Unfortunately most people don't have the extra time it takes to gather the proper plants, clean them, create the juice mix, and then clean up afterwards. I've done it before. After a few months it becomes a hassle. To save time I would make plenty of juice on one day and drink a little bit of it every day. After just a couple of days the juice mix was not the same color. It had gotten darker, which is a sign that many of the nutrients had oxidized and lost their full nutrient value. If the juice has lost its nutritional value then why store it? It just means that one must go back to making the juice daily.

Our company has put together a special liquid vitamin product with so many anti-oxidants that it does not spoil. Our tests show that a bottle of our liquid multivitamin (Essential Daily Nutrients) has no less than 95% of its stated nutrient value over a year after being put into the bottle.

Read the ingredients list of our product. It contains efficacious amounts of Korean red ginseng, goji berry, acai, maitake mushroom extract, grape seed extract, green tea, and sixty trace minerals. Some companies put just a little bit of each of these ingredients into their products to be able to say their product has them. Our Essential Daily Nutrients liquid multivitamin has these ingredients in efficacious amounts. This means that you don't need to go buy any of these nutrients separately to add to your daily multivitamin. They are already in our Essential Daily Nutrients formula.

It's your daily vitamin product. It's your daily mineral product. It's your daily polyphenol product. It's your daily herbal product. It's your daily whole-food fruit product.

Listen to the audio "The Superior Liquid Vitamin Technology" on the left side of the page. The manufacturer explains how his family likes this product more than any of the other vitamin products he has manufactured for other companies. He explains how Essential Daily Nutrients has more nutrients than anything being manufactured anywhere.

There is a little bit of hype at the beginning of the audio but it only lasts a couple of minutes. Really listen to the technical explanations of the ingredients.

If you would like to read about some of the benefits of the ingredients that are in our Essential Daily Nutrients liquid vitamin product go to this page Click the products button on the top. On the products page click Essential Daily Nutrients. It will be in the left column. Scroll down to the bottom. There you can find medical studies in PDF files. These were studies done by medical researchers on the different ingredients. They are not affiliated with our company. Read how acai, goji, and green teas affect cancer cells.

Download the PDF file on the left to learn about our premier product. Read the testimonials. It has contact information in it so you can get these great life sustaining products.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Breast Cancer Testimonial

Here is a testimonial which shows how a woman had her tumors shrink while using our product. Details and contact information are in the PDF file to the left.

I was diagnosed with breast cancer over 5 years ago and I chose to NOT have surgery, chemo or radiation at that time even though the surgeon felt that if I did not do as she said that in 3 months it would be too late.

Well the original tumor on the right side became very hard, but stopped growing after 18 months. A year later it spread to the left breast, even with all the great stuff I was taking, doing and eating, (over the last 6 years I've mostly been a vegetarian/vegan/raw food person). I was slowly getting worse and worse. Also I am one of those people without health insurance, so I put what money I had into food and supplements.

In January of this year I finally had to give in and do some chemo as a last resort because it had spread to my liver, ovaries and bones, even though I was so against it. I was able to get some low dose chemo treatments and after 8 months it did stop the progression a bit, but my red and white blood cell counts were so low I had no energy or desire to continue.

August 15th was my last chemo treatment and the CT Scan and Bone Scan on August 31st showed little improvement and the tumor marker blood test was still high. I needed a break.

In September my friend, Mary Hoyer, found liquid activated zeolite and I started on it the last week in September. I had a blood test the end of October my red and white cell counts were back to normal and the tumor marker was down to 24 from a high of 147. Normal is between 0 - 38 on that test.

Yesterday I had a visit with my doctor and the old original tumor on the right breast is almost all gone. The left side may take more time to totally heal, but my energy is back and every day in every way I feel better and better.

Yours enthusiastically;

Sonja Stockstill

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

World Autism Awareness Day Wednesday April 2, 2008

Today is World Autism Awareness Day.

Listen to the audio information from a doctor that is getting a 98% success rate at helping autistic children become more alert. He says in the audio that 10% of the children he treats with our product are no longer considered autistic.

Our product will remove more toxins from children than any other product. It is much more effective than chelation with other chemicals. Results happen quickly.

Testimonials from parents of autistic children are in the PDF file. Contact information is also in the file.

Here are some quotes from parents whose children are using our product.

"I am getting notes home from the teacher how calm and focused he has been and how VOCAL."

"Yes, I have seen improvements since starting NCD. My son is just more connected now."

"I'm still trying to catch my breath from the excitement I have been feeling as to how the NCD is Pinocchio is turning into a real boy!!!!"

Monday, March 31, 2008

Lung Cancer Success with Malignant Mesothelioma

Malignant Mesothelioma caused by asbestos fibers in the lungs was helped by using our patented product. Removing toxins from the body allows the body to heal itself.


On Oct. 14, I was diagnosed with Malignant Mesothelioma, lung cancer caused from Asbestos in the lung.

I had it in both lungs so surgery was not an option for treatment and this type of cancer doesn't respond to Chemo or Radiation treatment. I was told I was in the 4th stage and when I asked the Doctor how many stages there were he told me there were four. That's basically a death sentence for me.

After all testing was completed, CT scan, Lab work, Tissue biopsy, and a PET scan, I was told by the Oncologist that there was nothing he could do for me and he referred me back to my Medical doctor for the final care.

On Oct. 31, I started taking Natural Cellular Defense 15 drops 3 times a day. The second day of my taking NCD I started to have different sensations in the tumor on my back that was protruding though the chest wall. Sensations like a numbness, to jelly-like when I walked, to bee stings and painful, to a stretching feeling at the tumor, each day it was a different feeling.

After two weeks on the NCD a tumor in my upper abdomen which was about the size of a ping-pong ball was now the size of a marble. In the third week of NCD that tumor could not be found and the tumor on my back was almost gone. At the time of my appointment with the Oncologist the tumor mass on my back could not be found.

On Dec. 7, I had a follow up CT scan done and it confirmed that the two tumors were gone. Some were smaller in the lung and one was slightly bigger.

I have increased my times I take the NCD to every 4 hours, 24 hours a day. The new tumors leave the body first, the older more established tumors go last.

It is imperative that the blood circulation be increased so that the NCD can reach all the tumor cells. I am vigorously exercising more and more to accomplish this.

Larry Benjamin, Jemison, Alabama

To get detailed information on how this product works download the PDF file. It has more testimonials that show it works on many more physical conditions other than cancers. Contact information is also within the file.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Cancer Testimonial

Here is an interesting yet common testimonial. It shows how this product worked to clear up the vision of a dog with medical problems too.


My husband Kile was diagnosed with Neck & Throat Cancer - Squamous Cell Carcinoma Aug 24, 2006. The cancer originated at the base of his tongue on the left side which measured 1 CM. Two lymph nodes on the left side were also were infected. One lymph node measured 1.8 CM and the other was 2.0 CM.

If he only had the cancer on the base of his tongue he would be considered Stage 1. However, the combination of the 3 puts him at a Stage 4A. The stages are 1 - 4 with 4 being the worst. Then it goes Stage 4 A, B C D.....etc. The cancer in the lymph nodes started to metastasize into his jugular vein and Carotid Artery.

He discovered Natural Cellular Defense Zeolite and started taking it on Sept 5th. He took 15 drops 3 times a day. He was putting 10 drops in water and the remaining 5 on his tongue. About 15-20 minutes after he took the NCD, the tumors in his neck started to burn and he would get a metallic taste in his mouth. The tumors got softer and less pronounced as verified by his Doctor.

September 15th - 20th was his first round of Chemo. He noticed the same burning sensation in his neck and the metallic taste in his mouth while on Chemo.

His second round of Chemo was Oct 2nd - 7th. They did a CT scan on Oct. 19th to determine the size of the tumors. The radiologist who read the scan called his Chemo Oncologist and asked if he had sent the correct scan as he was expecting to see cancer on the scan.

The cancer on the base of his tongue didn't show up and his lymph glands were 8 and 9 MM which is considered normal. Anything less than 10 MM is normal. If the Doctor who read the scan didn't know he had cancer, and know where the tumors were, he would've said this was a clear scan. His Chemo Oncologist was also surprised his cancer didn't show up on the scan. He had never seen cancer go into remission that quickly. Kile told him from the beginning he was taking NCD Zeolite.

The doctor told him to keep doing whatever he's doing because whatever it is, it's working! He said there is a guy younger than Kile who has the same cancer and his cancer still showed up on his CT Scan after his 2nd round of Chemo.They still wanted him to go through Radiation and Chemo 5 days a week for 7 weeks. The doctor said if he doesn't go through with the Radiation and Chemo he will die. It is a precaution to kill any microscopic cancer cells.They installed a feeding tube on Nov 16th.

He had radiation and chemo 5 days a week from Nov 20th- Jan 9th. Dr Hunter said Kile is the only one who made it though the entire ordeal without having to use his feeding tube to eat.

He said Kile has done the best he has seen in 6 years. I always knew he was 10 ft tall and bullet proof! He had another CT Scan on Feb. 12th and on the 14th they told us he was cancer free!!

At the same time Kile was going through cancer, our 14 year old Dalmatian,Spot, also had cancer. Spot had a white glaze over his left eye. He didn't see well or hear well and his hind legs would give out from underneath him easily. He had cancerous bumps on his head and a big purple cancerous melanoma on his hind leg that was about 3?4 of an inch.

When I would throw his ball during the day, he wouldn't be able to find it. I would have to go over and point at in order for him to find it.Kile started giving him Natural Cellular Defense Zeolite. He would break a dog biscuit in half and put 5 drops on the biscuit and 1 drop on the big purple melanoma on his leg. He did this daily for about 4 months.

The cancerous bumps on Spot's head went away and the big purple cancer shrunk to about 1/4 of an inch or as big around as my little finger. It was no longer purple; it looked like a white skin tag or wart.

He was able to hear and see a lot better and was able to find his ball when I threw it at night with just the yard light on. The white glaze on his left eye disappeared. A fatty tumor on his belly shrunk in size and got softer as well.

Our road is steep, and he stopped going down it. After the activated liquid zeolite, he'd go down the road and trot back up. He acted several years younger. It was amazing. I'm extremely skeptical and if I wouldn't have seen it, I wouldn't have believed it.

I am also taking NCD. I have a lot more energy and mental clarity. I think Natural Cellular Defense Zeolite is the best product on earth and everyone should be taking it, I know we will be taking it for the rest of our lives. Kile & Susan Jackson Duvall, WA March 6th, 2007

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Detailed Information

I just added a widget to an online folder that has audio files, one video, and a PDF file. It works best to stream the audio files and to download the video and PDF files. The links will not work within the PDF file if you view it within the folder.

There are links to important videos online within the PDF file that you don't want to miss.

Read the detailed information that shows which disease conditions are helped by using this life saving product.

The patent for the Epithelial Cell Cancer Drug that is used as a nutritional supplement is within the PDF file. Read the abstract of the patent to see that it kills 100% of cancer cells within 72 hours with no toxic side effects.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Do Not Die Yet

There are nutritional products that will save your life. It is known by doctors and researchers that clean healthy bodies will stay healthier longer than poisoned weak bodies.

I work for a company that promotes anti-ageing products. Our premier product removes toxins from the body better than anything that has ever existed before. It came into the marketplace in 2006. It was patented as an Epithelial Cell Cancer Drug in September of 2001.

This website is dedicated to promoting this product and saving lives.

People who are sick will benefit from removing the existing toxins in their bodies.

People who use this product to remove the toxins before they are ill will prevent many of the scariest diseases known to man from occurring.

Within a few days there will be links to audio files about some of our products. There will be some links to PDF files that contain specific information on how the products work. The PDF files have a copy of the patent for the Epithelial Cell Cancer Drug.

Anyone with cancer should read the non-technical portion of the patent and copy it and bring it to their doctor. Eighty-five percent of all cancers are epithelial.

Within one PDF file is a list of all of the conditions this product has helped along with testimonials from people with each of the conditions listed. There are even more testimonials for conditions not listed within the PDF file. This just proves that toxins are the source of most of the disease conditions in modern times.